Wonder Woman – Not Just for Women Anymore


Click the Play button for my first video blog about the new Wonder Woman movie and the women only screenings in Austin, Texas!

#WonderWomanmovie #womenonlyscreening

2 thoughts on “Wonder Woman – Not Just for Women Anymore

  1. I guess I could understand your problem with the women-only screenings if they were to include a universal banning of men from watching the movie AT ALL, EVER, ANYWHERE.

    You, as a white male, must be careful not to show the tone-deafness that is too prevalent among those in any majority. Having a theater chain offer limited showings to a minority is not the end of the world! Surely you are familiar with the absolute inequity in men having so many representations of themselves in superhero movies while women have a fraction of the same. And Wonder Woman is the queen of them all! Why shouldn’t we be excited??

    To turn that business decision from one movie chain in one state to sexism against all men? I’m just not buying it. As for Don Cheadle–as a minority himself, perhaps he understands the nuances of this situation a bit better than you?

    I don’t have any doubts about your heart. It’s a good one. But once again, as a member of the larger majority, you don’t get to decide what constitutes sexism against the minority. And telling women to essentially “get over it”? Sigh. Listening goes quite far in these situations. And I know you will.

    I really hope you enjoy the movie!

    1. Hi, Lori!
      Thanks for responding.
      I’m not implying that there is no male privilege, and I stated in this video that the first thing that should happen is for men to admit their fault in mistreating women for decades. I am also stating that excluding men from a film showing, in a public theatre, sends a message of division instead of unity, which is the opposite of what Wonder Woman stands for. I also stated the added concern is that men are being told this is not sexism to exclude them from an event, even though a men-only film would be considered sexism.
      I certainly do not think I suggested anything that implies women should “get over it” – if I said that somewhere in the video, please point it out to me so I can double-check that. I don’t believe anyone needs to “get over” abuse. I did say women should forgive men, rather than continue an attitude of backlash by tolerating the same kind of sexism and prejudice that they suffered from men. Continuing any such cycle will never work. Putting an end to sexism and prejudice, through forgiveness and change, is not at all saying to “get over it”, but to end the cycle of prejudice and begin a process of unity.
      I don’t believe that Wonder Woman, as a character, would be thrilled about excluding men from an event, any more than she would want to exclude anyone else. That is simply not what she stands for.
      It’s true that I don’t get to decide what is and is not sexism, but neither does Don Cheadle. And neither does the Alamo Drafthouse, that promised this would be for one night only, but after selling out tickets and deciding that the men who complained were “trolls”, they decided to expand the women-only screenings further.
      I have no problem with women celebrating Wonder Woman being made into a movie. My concern is the feminist spirit that promotes excluding men, instead of working together for equality and respect to both genders.
      Yes, I know we’ll enjoy the movie!
      Have a good one! (:^D

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