DEN TEN QUESTIONNAIRE – Enter to Win FREE Autographed Book!



Through the month of November 2016, anyone who answers the following 10 questions correctly and subscribes to my Packing Action Newsletter Datafile will receive a FREE autographed book!
You can subscribe and find all the answers right here at!


  1. amy-raven-kickboxingWhat state are the Dugans from?
  2. What country is Enrique from?
  3. gunther-grater-1In what town is Gameland located?
  4. From what school was Amy Raven expelled?
  5. Who was Amy Raven’s boyfriend?
  6. enrique-suarez-3What crimes did Gunther allegedly commit in high school?
  7. Name two of Amy Raven’s sports or hobbies.
  8. dreamstime_xl_1056361-2The Dugan twins look identical except for two distinguishing aspects. What unique features identify each of them, on
    Todd’s arm, and on Troy’s face?
  9. How old was Gunther when he created the Whirlwind?
  10. Final Question: If Amy Raven was stranded on a desert island where everyone was trying to kill her, what five things would she use to survive?


Good luck. The game begins … now!



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