Learn Your Nephilim Name for the ESCAPE FROM THE ISLAND OF MYSTE Contest!

What kind of creature are you?

The Nephilim are a tribe of ancient creatures, thought to be myths. But they’ve been hidden in another world, on the Island of Myste! This exciting new fantasy novel about a 9-year old adopted girl trapped in another world releases on November 16th!

Learn how to create your own Nephilim name, so that you can get votes to have your Nephilim creature included in Book 3 of the Island of Myste trilogy, ESCAPE FROM THE ISLAND OF MYSTE, releasing in January 2019!

First, choose your Nephilim creature. Then use this code to turn your own name into a Nephilim name:

C = consonant

V = vowel

CC = 2 consonants together

[ ] = insert this letter

Use consonants and vowels from your own name as they appear in order. If you run out of letters from your first name, use letters from your middle or last name.

Once you have your Nephilim name, send it to me at: Randall@RandallAllenDunn.com so I can add it to the online form. Then use this link to start gathering votes from your friends to be named in ESCAPE FROM THE ISLAND OF MYSTE! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQt7hT-N9L-_FY3asnmxjU8SMvNgka4vSqtnuueFr89GINGw/viewform?c=0&w=1


Choose your Nephilim!

Centauri (Centaur)

You are part of the Centauri tribe of brave hunters, experts with bows and arrows. You are a master at your craft, able to carve beautiful sculptures and tools from wood. You stand ready to defend the Centauri and the Nephilim against all threats, and hope to lead them together as one unified tribe.

Male – C,  V,  C,  V,  C,  [I],  [A],  [R, or L, or D, or N]. Make one of your middle consonants a double letter.

Ex.: Kyle = K Y LL I A N

Female – C,  V,  C,  V,  C,  [A, or I]. Make one of your middle consonants a double letter.

Ex.: Mitzi = M I T I ZZ A


Meral (Mermaid)

You belong to the school of Meral, the most beautiful of all creatures. You love to sing and play instruments like the harp or flute, and you love the beauty of nature and creativity. You hope to inspire others to develop their gifts and create the most amazing forms of art.

Male – C,  V,  C,  V,  C

Ex.: Troy Davis = T O R Y D

Female – C / CC,  V,  C,  V,  C, [A, or I]

Ex.: Sharona = SH A R O N I



You fly with the flock of giant Rocs, deadly birds of prey. Your wingspan is the size of a house, and your strong beak is sharp enough to chew through solid iron! You defend your own honor and the honor of the fearsome Rocs at all costs.

Male – C or CC,  V,  [K]

Change any C or Q/QU to a K, change any X to a Z, and do not use Y as a vowel – choose any other vowel to replace it.

Ex.: Xavier = Z A K

Female – C or V,  C or V,  [K, and/or A]

Change any C or Q/QU to a K, change any X to a Z, and do not use Y as a vowel – choose any other vowel to replace it.

Ex.: Angelina = A N K A


Taurusor (Minotaur)

You run with the herd of Taurusors, never flinching from battle, eager to demonstrate your might. You work with iron tools and heavy machinery, and band together as a mighty army. You’re prepared to do whatever is necessary to defend your allies and their territory to the very end.

Do not use E as a vowel – choose any other vowel to replace it.

Male – C or CC,  V,  C or CC,  V,  [G, or N]

Ex.: Gregory = GR U G O G, or GR I G O N

Do not use E as a vowel – choose any other vowel to replace it.

Female – C or CC or V,  C or CC or V,  C and [U]

Ex.: Angela = A NG LU


Pharai (Fairy)

You fly with the Pharai, full of joy and laughter, finding fun at every twist and turn. You love to play tricks and find the silliness in everything people say and do, even in your own silly mistakes! You want people to join in your fun and stop being so serious.

Pharai names are long, so add 2-3 syllables to your name and add as many extra consonants as you want to make it fun to say. You can use a short one-syllable version of it as a nickname. Male names usually end with a consonant. Female names usually end with a vowel.


Ex.: Scott = Scottiotti, nicknamed Sco.


Ex.: Alyssa = Alyssira, or Alysianinavina – Aly, for short.


Garagula (Gargoyle)

You dwell among the Garagula, watching others from the sidelines and studying their every move. You are clever and manipulative, identifying the flaws in other people’s thinking and turning it back on them. You guide others into truth by pointing out the falsehood of their own beliefs.

Male – C or CC,  V,  [R],  V,  [K]

Ex.: Vishnu = V I R U K

Female – C or CC,  V,  [R],  V,  [K],  [A]

Ex.: Sheena = SH E R A K A


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